| 1. | Basic research and clinical treatment of skin scar 皮肤瘢痕的基础研究及其临床治疗 |
| 2. | The clinical treatment study of mandibular fractures 下颌骨骨折临床治疗体会 |
| 3. | On huashou ' s clinical treatment characteristics 论元末名医滑寿临证治验特色 |
| 4. | Clinical treatment of recurrent hsk 复发性单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎临床疗效观察 |
| 5. | The advance on the clinical treatment of uterus myoma 子宫肌瘤的治疗进展 |
| 6. | Clinical treatment of cardiac and aortic injuries 大血管创伤的临床救治 |
| 7. | Clinical treatment of hypothyroidism during pregnancy 妊娠合并甲状腺功能减退症的临床治疗 |
| 8. | Clinical treatment for spinal cord injury without fracture - dislocation 无骨折脱位颈髓损伤的临床治疗 |
| 9. | Clinical treatment of lumbar disc herniation and its possible mechanisms 腰椎间盘突出症临床治疗机制探讨 |
| 10. | Report of applying pinna tip bloodletting in clinical treatment of some patients 耳尖放血治疗在临床中应用举隅 |